It is time to reflect on my ONL learning journey! “The To focus even more on my strengths, and my lived-experience That I try, and sometimes I am going to “fail”, depending on if I see to the process or to the product. Perhaps “the greatest learning” really lays within the interaction, and not the results. If try harder, then I will succeed. A deeper understanding about different models and theories (The FISh frame-work etc) within ONL-learning. Interaction, sharing documents, and “group psychology”. Is always interesting, but, also energy-consuming. A heterogeneous group. “Strangers”, sharing an interest to learn more about ONL. We have shared our frustrations and confusions, questions. Did we fail, or did we succeed? Is it the process, or the product? Perspectives! …and that is of great value, off course!There is pros and cons with asynchrony communication…we encountered some! In relation to issues for a deeper understanding, within the group, it is probabl...
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Design is important - but first, the teacher must set focus on the students (group-interaction). Creating Groups that can learn to work - A team-work! E.g. Cleveland-Innes and Cambell (2012) presents evidence of emotions present in online environments, and empirical data which suggests emotional presence may exist as a fundamental element in an online community of inquiry. Group dynamics are important. The Group-members must be able to trust each other, and be able to be generous to give affirmations! To create a "trustworthiness" to other's knowledge, and competence is of value in a online-learning-situation. Since the physical "distance" is present in the online course. To inspire each other, through different thinking! Is important in online-teaching. This happens, in my experience, often in "un-planned" moments. When creativity takes control. Thus, a flexibility and "daring to test" attitude, and thinking out-side the com...
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Collaboration - In a community of learning? The student group today is increasingly "diverse" (heterogeneous and fragmented group) (see eg. Biggs & Tang, 2012). An “available teaching” is a requirement, according to the Equal Treatment Plan at Universities, in Sweden*. It means that the University must respond to the students' needs, and in an accessible manner, on equal terms. Furthermore, based on a norm-critical thinking (described for example by Kalonaityté, 2014), the teacher needs to be able to act; in order to succeed in meeting today's diverse student-groups. Knowledge is not something that is "forever given" or "absolute", there is not "a best truth", since knowledge is relative, and changeable. It lives (a phenomenological approach) within persons according to eg. Spiegelberg (1982). At the highest (taxonomi-level) it should be able to be expressed, lived, and implemented in a specific context, related to something,...
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Academic emotions - ONL-Learning. Tranquility! Frustrations (internal) in relation to barriers (external) among students in online courses might be e.g. technology or poor usability (in relation to the course design). Issues with "internet-access", or the equipment, or the layout (“messy to find the course-information”). See research described by Becker, Newton and Sawang (2013) or Keengwe and Kidd (2010). It might moreover be feelings of social not belonging, or lack in communication, between the students in the same course, or in relation to the teacher. Fear for interaction, or fear for failure, moreover described by researchers , that points out the value of academic emotions, and the teachers responsibility to be “cognitive, social and existential present” in the digital-space, as well as in the campus classroom (Hrastinski, 2013; 2016). At the course-start, the teacher should make time to inform about the course-instru...
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Let me (please)... be the "opponent" I do not buy it!.... You know, like the boy, in the "Emperor's new clothes". Have you read that book? All that " digitisation " does to us as "creatures" is not good... End of discussion! Hand on the heart is not the biggest win-win (the actual blog, professionell interactions, according to literature?) To lift "some ghosts out of the closet"? Or maybe tell that there is no ghost?... sharing our own experiences, mixed with our; fears, academic emotions, and so on... If the idea is to develop, and face our fears... Should I start to list "problems", perhaps? 1 Technical support, it is difficult with the connection (audio, picture). 2 Language events, difficulties. 3 The time-zones. 4 Time and space. (asynchronous vs synchronous). 5 Academic emotions, we are ignorant of how to communicate here. 6 We come from such different areas, experiences etc. that the ...